Sunday, May 17, 2020

For Animal Rights Essay - 965 Words

For Animal Rights In this essay I will be discussing the cruel acts of animal torture and testing. Animals have been tortured to death by substances such as drugs, cosmetics, diseases, tobacco, alcohol, detergent and other poisons. Do people have the right to do what ever they like to perfectly healthy animals? Should scientists do tests on animals if no new information is going to be gained? Cosmetic companies use animal tests to protect themselves against possible lawsuits. If they were sued for liability then they can back themselves up by saying that the product was tested for safety. How placing a piece of lipstick in the eye of a rabbit to see if it is safe for the consumer doesnt†¦show more content†¦Their are two tests that I would like to tell you about. One of the tests is called the Draize Eye-Irritancy Test. This was designed to measure how harmful a substance was to human eyes by using rabbits eyes. This test was developed in 1944 by the U.S Food and Drug Administration. They use six rabbits for each substance that they want to test. The technician places the substance into the lower eye of the rabbit, then the rabbits eyes are then examined at different times. The technician records signs of damage, such as redness, swelling, inflammation and clouding of the cornea. The technician then uses a scoring scheme to say how much the substance has irritated the eye. This test is unreliable because rabbits eyes are very different to human eyes. Rabbits have a third eyelid and have a slower blink reflex, a less effective tearing mechanism and a thinner cornea than humans. These make a rabbits eyes much more sensitive to humans eyes and less sensitive to others. If this is the result then why do it in the first place. The rabbit may suffer from blindness, sometimes death and always pain. The Draize test proves no information apart from that the products that were tested irritate a rabbits eyes. The other test I would like to tell you about is the Lethal Dose 50 Percent (L50) Test. This test is to estimate how poisonous that chemical would be toShow MoreRelatedAnimal Rights : The Animal Bill Of Rights For Animals737 Words   |  3 PagesAnimals are found throughout lives of humans. As companions, entertainment, test subjects and food, animals serve vital roles throughout our lives.The Animal Bill of Rights, through the Animal Legal Defense Fund, attempts to defend the basic legal rights of all animals. However, to weigh the need for such an act, one must compare the suffering of animals to the benefits such suffering gives to humankind. It’s much more important to highlight the crucial medical advances that lab animals have providedRead MoreAnimal Rights And The Rights Of Animals1843 Words   |  8 Pagesthe rights of animals and if they think and feel like humans do. Many people see animals as mindless creatures or as food, while others think they have emotions and can feel pain. 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