Monday, December 30, 2019

The Battle Of Tears - Original Writing - 872 Words

Frustration at her inability to fully appreciate the occasion crowded her thoughts. She wondered if this moment, the one she’d both anticipated and dreaded for decades, would only be remembered in her mind as a battle to maintain decorum. After all, if she gave release to the tide of emotions that roiled precariously beneath the surface, all eyes would certainly be on her. In spite of the struggle, she knew that breaking down was not an option. How could she forgive herself if she caused anything to take the focus away from the beautiful couple preparing to exchange their breathless â€Å"I dos† at the building’s front? They deserved no less than the captivated attention of every person in attendance. And, darn it! She wanted to be a part of that captivated audience in more than just the physical sense. Wanted to be aware of every word, every glance. To breathe in every single detail of the day. But the flood of tears straining for release continued to thrust her attention inward. Sighing, she had to admit that this â€Å"mother-of-the-groom† business was significantly more difficult than she ever imagined it would be. All those years of praying for the child, no, the man who now stood at the altar, those years of training and nurturing and teaching and guiding – those had seemed difficult. But now she knew. The difficulty did not lie in the raising, but in the letting go. The sleepless nights and the kissing of boo-boos and the â€Å"How many times have I told you to clean your roomShow MoreRelatedManifest Destiny and the Genocide of the Native American Indian1366 Words   |  6 PagesNative Americans from 1830 to 1839. There were two websites that we particularly helpful to me. Reliability, how recently it was updated and how easily it could be edited by Internet users were the main criteria used when selecting a website. b. Writing a rough bibliography y about the topic c. Selection and reading of books pertaining to Native Americas, and Manifest Destiny. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Personal Statement On Interpersonal Communication Essay

Interpersonal Communication Competence is defined as constantly communicating in a way that is effective, appropriate, and ethical (McCornack, 2016). When a person is communicating competently, they are following social norms, are able to accomplish their goals, and treating persons in an unbiased manner. In my paper I will be discussing my own interpersonal communication competence and the evaluations that I, and my close companions, have made about my ability to communicate proficiently. I will begin my essay by explaining what effective and appropriate communication consists of, and follow up with my argument on how effective and appropriate I am in my interpersonal relationships. As I continue I will examine my empathy and why I am strong in this aspect of communication, followed by my deliberation of my conversation management and why I am weak in this category and how I could possibly improve. As I near the conclusion of my paper I will focus on my interpersonal communication m otivation, knowledge, and skills. After reporting my scores in each category I will reflect on my skills, my lowest score, and explore why I am poorest at this quality and how I can grow in my capabilities. Overall I am a competent communicator, but enhancements can be made in my conversation management, effectiveness and skills in order to build up my competence. Table 1 Results of My Interpersonal Communication Competence Quiz Appropriate Effective Adaptable Conversational InvolvementShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Interpersonal Communication1598 Words   |  7 Pagesrelationship I have with my husband is comfortable, which fits under the definition of interpersonal communication. According to McCornack, â€Å"interpersonal communication is defined as a dynamic form of communication in which the messages exchanged significantly influence their thoughts, emotions, behaviors and relationships† (McCornack pg. 9). This relationship meet the criteria for interpersonal communication because we know each others boundaries and when we talk the overall message sent to eachRead MorePersonal Statement : Interpersonal Communication Essay1064 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout the semester in interpersonal communication class I have gained versatile understandings of many abstract ideas on communication that without the course I may have missed an opportunity to do so. Looking at the bigger picture of communication, it is an ongoing learned skill that will be improved by both education and personal experiences which will help enable me to possess competent communication skills/characteristics. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Puberty Free Essays

Puberty is known to be the transitioning period for children to become emerging adults. Puberty is important because not only is it a sign for parents that their child is growing up. It is a sign for the child itself that he or she is growing up. We will write a custom essay sample on Puberty or any similar topic only for you Order Now Puberty is different for both boys and girls especially the biological events that take place.When girls go through puberty, they go through it at an earlier age than the boys. Girls start at the age of eight to the age of 14. What happens first for girls is the breast development. Breast buds typically occur around nine or ten years old, although sometimes for some children they occur earlier or for others they occur later. The girls’ parents are often surprised that their daughter has breast buds since the breast develop slowly and occur at different times. At the beginning of puberty, sometimes one breast often appears first than the other. The girl may believe that something in the breast is wrong like gaining a tumor, especially since the tissue of the breast can feel very sore and sensitive, but this because the breast are developing slowly at a decent rate which is extremely normal. The second sign of puberty is gaining pubic hair in the genital area. At first, there are very few hairs and come out straight and soft. As the girl grows up, the pubic hair grows out and becomes dark, curly, and coarse. The pubic hair grows gently to the lower stomach to the inner thigh, looking like in a three-cornered shape. About another couple years, hair begins to grow in the armpits. The third sign for puberty is that the girls gain weight which gives them a more rounded belly. This gives girls extreme anxiety because they believe they are gaining weight but usually it is adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is the tissue where fat is kept. The body will separate the fat from the stomach and waist to other parts of the body so it can create a nice figure. The last is usually the menstrual cycle. There are many myths when it comes to menstruation like you cannot use a tampon till you are a full adult, or you cannot swim in the pool and so on. Menarche or menstruation is when ovulation is beginning which means that you can begin to be able to be pregnant. In a study in 1982, the researchers Brooks- Gunn and Ruble, reported that girls feel more grown up now that they are finally menstruating. A longitudinal study in 2003 reported that there is an increase in self-esteem and social maturity. Boys go through puberty much later than girls which are the ages of twelve to sixteen. The first step of puberty for boys is that the boy is going through with maturing is when the size of the testicles and the scrotal sac grows. As the testicles grows, the scrotum skin darkens, expands, thins, and lastly hangs down. Like girls and each breast size, boys when it comes to their testicles, one testicle hangs lower than the other. Like girls the next step of puberty for boys is the pubic hair. Similar to girls, the pubic hair changes to a darker color, the hairs become curlier and rougher in texture, but the pattern is more of a diamond shaped than a triangle. Over the next few years it covers the pubic region, and then covers the thighs like a girl would have her pubic hair covered. Difference between boys and girls pubic hair is that boys have their pubic hair going up to their belly button. Then light or thin little hairs grows on a boy’s face, legs, arms and underarms, and chest. The third step of puberty is the body shape changes. Before puberty, usually boys look chubby and lanky. The boys then have a growth spurt as they go into puberty. Body proportions change during this spurt, which are the legs extend and the trunks become bigger. Boys then gain muscle mass and continue to grow even after girls are finished with puberty. When the boys are at the top of puberty, their voices begin to change drastically. For a brief period of time, the boys voice may break once in a while as it deepens. Once the larynx or the vocal box reaches to a suitable size, the cracking will stop. J.M. Tanners Longitudinal research on Pubertal Development helped greatly to understand puberty. In the year 1960 through the 1970s J.M. Tanner, a British biologist, was studying physical development. He took many pictures and physical evaluations of both boys and girls throughout their lives to figure out the steps of puberty. From each photo and physical evaluation, Tanner figured out the ages of the changes that happened to the children. A good theory when it comes to puberty would be Storm and Stress by G. Stanley Hall. This is a great example because as the child grows up, he or she becomes a different person. To go deeper, Storm and Stress goes through difficulties with parents, risky behaviors, and drastic mood swings. This all happens because of the hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, which the children are gaining as they are going through the process of puberty. Puberty is different for everyone. Sometimes puberty comes early or late for either gender. It affects them differently emotionally, and physically. The one fact is true for either gender is that it is a period for the child or adolescence to mature and to find more of themselves to become a great and fitting adult in society. How to cite Puberty, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mater Motivation Letter free essay sample

In order help you make a decision, I will try to expend succinctly about myself, my background, my goals, and why I believe would make a great addition to your student body. Sometimes grades can be misleading: an otherwise excellent student, going through a personal or familial crisis, can see his results deteriorate drastically over the period of a semester, or even a whole year. In my case, though, they show a direct, simple story: the evolution of my motivation and my work ethic over the last four years.A glance at my academic record transcript will show you that I have started my university studies on the wrong foot. Indeed, completed my first semester in fall 2006 with a catastrophic 1,58 GAP! Could state many excuses for this mediocre start, but will simply say that I was not taking my studies seriously: unresisting from classes when the workload was too significant, dropping out of those was not immediately interested in, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Mater Motivation Letter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But that first year had the effect of a wake-up call: I needed to start applying myself or reconsider my future. Thus, during the summer break, I began setting up some clear goals: I decided wanted to experience an exchange in another country, after discussing with a friend who had had the privilege of studying abroad. Over the next semester, something else became clear to me: wanted to obtain my masters degree and teach literature. Now, these objectives meant that I needed to significantly improve my GAP. It was not easy to come back from such a start, but once goals were clarified, my motivation and work ethic blossomed continuously over the next semesters, ND better grades came naturally.Thus, over the last two years, managed to complete each course I enrolled in, while maintaining a 3,65 GAP. Now confident that my academic record is strong enough to justify acceptance at your university, I am ready to embark on the path of achieving my first goal. There never was a doubt in my mind that if I were to apply for a student exchange, the United States would be my one and only choice of destinati on. Have been fascinated by American culture since childhood: at first, through ivies and music, and, more recently, through its literature; most of my favorite authors are Americans: Ernest Hemingway, John Faint, J.D. Slinger and Raymond Carver are all writers I admire deeply. Have chosen to apply tryout institution because it is amongst the best public universities in the country. If I could participate in an exchange for a whole year, would not think twice about it. But unfortunately, I only have four classes towards the completion of my baccalaureate. However, I do intend on making the best of the semester that is ahead of me: getting involved in student life through activities, sports, student clubs, etc. Or helping French major students perfect their French through tutoring are many of things I plan on pursuing next fall.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hamlet Essays (3568 words) - Characters In Hamlet, Prince Hamlet

Hamlet 1. Claudius begins and ends the act by lying to Gertrude. Name FOUR other aspects of his character that are provable on the basis of what he says and does in this act. Is he still wracked with guilt, do you think? Just a brief note on how Claudius lies to begin. In Act Four, scene one, he tells Gertrude that he refrained from taking action against Hamlet because of his love for the Prince. In actual fact, we know from the King's speeches at the end of III.i. and the opening of III.iii. that the King has been planning to send Hamlet away to England for some time. It seems likely that at this point, he decides that he wants the prince dead. In any case, the general tone of Claudius' attitude towards Hamlet has been one of suspicion and dislike, certainly not love. At the end of the Act, in scene seven, he tells Gertrude How much I had to do to calm his rage. This is deceitful rather than an out and out lie, because what Claudius has done is to direct and control Laertes' rage rather th an calm it. Other things one might say about Claudius in this act are how callous and selfish he is in his reaction to Polonius' death. The King shows no pity or sorrow at the death of his counsellor. Rather, his reaction is: It had been so with us had we been there (IV.i.). That is to say, he realises that Hamlet poses a direct physical threat to himself and must be disposed of immediately. A second, very obvious thing to say, is that Claudius' treatment of Laertes shows what a brilliant manipulator he is. He expresses no anger towards the rebel; he gives him everything he wants (Let him demand his fill IV.v.) Once he has thus deflated Laertes' rage, he begins to provoke it again in order to persuade him to take part in his plot to kill Hamlet through treachery in the fencing match. Before explaining the plan, he asks Laertes, was your father dear to you?. Thirdly, we may notice that Claudius doesn't mention his conscience once in this act. In Act Three, he desperately attempts to pray for the strength to repent his crimes. In Act Four, all of Claudius' actions are villainous, suggesting that he has come to peace with the idea of being unrepentant. Lastly, a few more positive, more human features become apparent. One might note Claudius' apparent love of horse-riding which is communicated in his unnecessarily lengthy speech about the virtues of Lamord in IV.vii. Alternatively, his lengthy speech to Gertrude in IV.i. shows his genuine worry about his kingdom. Or, Claudius professes deeply-felt love for Gertrude when he explains his failure to punish Hamlet in IV.vii. It may be, however, that he is using this as an excuse and the (alleged) popularity of the prince is a more genuine reason. 2. Has Gertrude reformed after her confrontation with Hamlet in III.iv.? In Act Three, scene four, Gertrude promises Hamlet she will stop sleeping with Claudius. There are two things to look at here in order to try to assess whether she has done this: Gertrude's aside at the opening of Act Four, scene five and her behavior around Claudius. What she says at the start of Act Four, scene five is that every event seems like an omen that something dreadful is about to happen to her sick soul, which she defines as a sinful soul. This seems to suggest that, like her new husband, she knows she is sinful, but is persisting in that sin. If she had reformed by this point, four scenes after having made her promise to Hamlet, she would presumably not be feeling so sinful. It is fairly difficult to draw any particular conclusions from the Queen's behavior around Claudius. We see them alone together in Act Four, scene one and briefly in Act Four, scene five. In the first scene, she lies to Claudius in order to protect her son. She tells the King that Hamlet killed Polonius in a mad fit. The Queen is apparently convinced of Hamlet's sanity by the end of Act Three, scene four and so we

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Animal testing should be banned essays

Animal testing should be banned essays When picking out your mascara or eyeliner, do you even stop to see what kind of makeup you are using? You could be supporting animal cruelty and not even know it. Today many makeup products, such as mascara, are being tested on animals. Helpless and defenseless animals are being performed on for different types of experiments all around the world. Most of the things being performed in these labs you could never imagine one human being doing to another. I believe that animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, not very reliable, inaccurate, and is proved to be unnecessary. Animal testing is arrogant and incredibly cruel. Like us, animals can feel pain and fear, but also excitement and satisfaction. Close contact with animals shows that they look forward to some extents, and can clearly get a lot of enjoyment from their lives, be it from basking in the sun, exercising, eating favorite food, or interacting with others, as in playing and mutual grooming. Certainly animals don't have the same abilities as humans. They can't talk, write books or drive cars, but neither can some humans. We don't ask how intelligent a person is before we decide whether to eat them or experiment on them. Regardless of intelligence, their life still has value to them. Use of animals clearly violates animals right to live without suffering pain or emotional distress. A range of household products including cosmetics and cleaners are routinely tested on animals to determine how safe the products are for human use. Some of these animals are subjected to pain in tests of skin or eye irritancy; others are killed while establishing the lethal dose of chemical products. In animal experiments, animals can be burned, cut, mutilated, poisoned, turned into drug addicts or alcoholics, given diseases such as cancer or arthritis, crippled, blinded, starved, and brain damaged. Most of the time the animals are denied painkiller, for fear of affect...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Flatland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Flatland - Essay Example The mindset which is accepted, even though it creates a sense of status in society, is still flat and unable to develop into new ideas. The point which Abbott makes shows how this mentality holds back information about potential ways of living, innovations and the overall progression of the society, specifically because of social status and rejection of new ideas. Background of the Work The background of â€Å"Flatland† is based on the specific social and religious conditions that were associated with the Victorian society during the time of Abbott. Abbott wrote and premiered his novel in the 1880s in England, specifically with the focus of approaching the trends in literature that were based on questioning the social status and divisions that were currently in society. The book arose not only from the observations in society, but also associated with the personal interactions which Abbott had before this time. In the 1840s, Abbott was known to defend Christianity against idea ls such as superstition and irrational expectations that were a part of the religion. Abbott believed instead, that all information was based on logic and personal experience. This was followed with the experiences that Abbott associated with not only in religion, but also in defense of women, social rights and divisions between the rich and poor which were a strong component of Victorian society (Zeller, 95). Defining the Mentality of Society The aspects that Abbott included with his defenses against religion, logic and the imperialism of society are reflected in â€Å"Flatland,† not only with the direct connotations to problems in society. Abbott directly refers to the generalized problems to the acceptance of ideas that were limited to a dimension and which led to ignorance within society. Abbott shows this through two main ideals. The first is with the interaction of line land, specifically as he moves into a one-dimensional world. The second is the recognition of the oth er dimensions that are associated beyond flatland, specifically which the narrator sees but is rejected by society. These two main narrative ideas show how the social standpoint is limited by ignorance and what is seen physically and known. Even though there may be other outside ideals, Abbott shows through his narrative that the mentality of society is limited to only what they see. There are several examples that Abbott uses to show the ignorance of society and how this limits possibilities. This is done with the social status of those in society, speaking with religious leaders and with presenting the ideas to royalty. For instance, when trying to describe Flatland to Lineland, there is an immediate rejection of what is real. The king rejects this because of the known laws, accepted religion and the practices in society that are accepted. This is followed by the limitations because there hasn’t been an experience with this dimension. Even though the narrator sees the life in Lineland as dull, there isn’t the capability of understanding what it would be like to live outside of this from those who exist in that reality. The lines then become a metaphor for the reality, religion, rules and belief systems that limit the ideals. â€Å"King: Exhibit to me, if you please, this motion from left to right. I: Nay, that I cannot do, unless you step out of your Line altogether. King: Out of my line? Do you mean out of the world? Out of Space? I: Well, yes. Out of YOUR